Build on macOS

This document describes how to build NebulaStream on macOS.

💡 NebulaStream has been tested on macOS Big Sur and Monterey and on Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.

⚠️ The build on Apple Silicon Macs is still experimental.

Step 1: Install Required Dependencies

💡 These instructions assume that you install dependencies with Homebrew.

brew install cmake clang-format graphviz doxygen

Step 2: Clone the NebulaStream Github Repository

💡 Contact us to get access to the NebulaStream source repository on Github.

git clone

Step 3: Build NebulaStream

cd /path/to/nebulastream
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
make test

💡 Refer to the CMake build options for a description of the parameters to modify the NebulaStream build process.