Consider Performance

Build Time

Forward Declare When Possible


// Good

class MyClass;

void doSomething(const MyClass &);

instead of:

// Bad

#include "MyClass.hpp"

void doSomething(const MyClass &);

This applies to templates as well:

template<typename T> class MyTemplatedType;

This is a proactive approach to reduce compilation time and rebuilding dependencies.

Don’t Unnecessarily Include Headers

The compiler has to do something with each include directive it sees. Even if it stops as soon as it sees the #ifndef include guard, it still had to open the file and begin processing it.

include-what-you-use is a tool that can help you identify which headers you need.


Analyze the Code!

There’s no real way to know where your bottlenecks are without analyzing the code.


Simplify the Code

The cleaner, simpler, and easier to read the code is, the better chance the compiler has at implementing it well.

Use Initializer Lists

// This
std::vector<ModelObject> mos{mo1, mo2};

// -or-

auto mos = std::vector<ModelObject>{mo1, mo2};
// Don't do this

std::vector<ModelObject> mos;



Initializer lists are significantly more efficient; reducing object copies and resizing of containers.

Reduce Temporary Objects

// Instead of

auto mo1 = getSomeModelObject();

auto mo2 = getAnotherModelObject();

doSomething(mo1, mo2);
// Consider:

doSomething(getSomeModelObject(), getAnotherModelObject());

This sort of code prevents the compiler from performing a move operation…

Use Move Semantics only when explicitly moving an object to another scope

This document helps you to understand the performance impact of moving objects instead of copying them.

Kill shared_ptr Copies

shared_ptr objects are much more expensive to copy than you’d think they would be. This is because the reference count must be atomic and thread-safe. So this comment just re-enforces the note above: avoid temporaries and too many copies of objects. Just because we are using a pImpl it does not mean our copies are free.

Reduce Copies and Reassignments as Much as Possible

For more simple cases, the ternary operator can be used:

// Bad

std::string somevalue;

if (caseA) {

somevalue = "Value A";

} else {

somevalue = "Value B";

// Better

const std::string somevalue = caseA ? "Value A" : "Value B";

More complex cases can be facilitated with an immediately-invoked lambda.

// Bad

std::string somevalue;
if (caseA) {
somevalue = "Value A";
} else if(caseB) {
somevalue = "Value B";
} else {
somevalue = "Value C";
// Better

const std::string somevalue = [&](){
if (caseA) {
return "Value A";
} else if (caseB) {
return "Value B";
}else {
return "Value C";

Avoid Excess Exceptions

Exceptions which are thrown and captured internally during normal processing slow down the application execution. They also destroy the user experience from within a debugger, as debuggers monitor and report on each exception event. It is best to just avoid internal exception processing when possible.

Get Rid of new

We already know that we should not be using raw memory access, so we are using unique_ptr and shared_ptr instead, right?

Heap allocations are much more expensive than stack allocations, but sometimes we have to use them. To make matters worse, creating a shared_ptr actually requires 2 heap allocations.

However, the make_shared function reduces this down to just one.

std::shared_ptr<ModelObject_Impl>(new ModelObject_Impl());

// should become

std::make_shared<ModelObject_Impl>(); // (it's also more readable and concise)

Prefer unique_ptr to shared_ptr

If possible use unique_ptr instead of shared_ptr. The unique_ptr does not need to keep track of its copies because it is not copyable. Because of this it is more efficient than the shared_ptr. Equivalent to shared_ptr and make_shared you should use make_unique (C++14 or greater) to create the unique_ptr:


Current best practices suggest returning a unique_ptr from factory functions as well, then converting the unique_ptr to a shared_ptr if necessary.

std::unique_ptr<ModelObject_Impl> factory();

auto shared = std::shared_ptr<ModelObject_Impl>(factory());

Get Rid of std::endl

std::endl implies a flush operation. It’s equivalent to "\n" << std::flush. In general, any operation related to (standard) output stream buffers should always be avoided. Instead, you should always use the logger in NebulaStream.

Limit Variable Scope

Variables should be declared as late as possible, and ideally only when it’s possible to initialize the object. Reduced variable scope results in less memory being used, more efficient code in general, and helps the compiler optimize the code further.

// Good

for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
MyObject obj(i);
// do something with obj

// Bad

MyObject obj; // meaningless object initialization
for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
obj = MyObject(i); // unnecessary assignment operation
// do something with obj

// obj is still taking up memory for no reason

For C++17 and onwards, consider using init-statement in the if and switch statements:

if (MyObject obj(index); obj.good()) {
// do something if obj is good
} else {
// do something if obj is not good

This topic has an associated discussion thread.

Prefer double to float, But Test First

Depending on the situation and the compiler’s ability to optimize, one may be faster over the other. Choosing float will result in lower precision and may be slower due to conversions. On vectorizable operations float may be faster if you are able to sacrifice precision.

double is the recommended default choice as it is the default type for floating point values in C++.

See this stackoverflow discussion for some more information.

Prefer ++i to i++

… when it is semantically correct. Pre-increment is faster than post-increment because it does not require a copy of the object to be made.

// Bad

for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
std::cout << i << '\n';

// Good

for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
std::cout << i << '\n';

Even if many modern compilers will optimize these two loops to the same assembly code, it is still good practice to prefer ++i. There is absolutely no reason not to and you can never be certain that your code will not pass a compiler that does not optimize this.

You should be also aware that the compiler will not be able optimize this only for integer types and not necessarily for all iterator or other user defined types.

The bottom line is that it is always easier and recommended to use the pre-increment operator if it is semantically identical to the post-increment operator.

Char Is a Char, String Is a String

// Bad

std::cout << someThing() << "\n";

// Good

std::cout << someThing() << '\n';

This is very minor, but a "\n" has to be parsed by the compiler as a const char * which has to do a range check for \0 when writing it to the stream (or appending to a string). A ‘\n’ is known to be a single character and avoids many CPU instructions.

If used inefficiently many times it might have an impact on your performance, but more importantly thinking about these two usage cases gets you thinking more about what the compiler and runtime has to do to execute your code.