Setup IDE

1. Ensure That Nebulastream Builds Locally

For more details checkout our build guide.

2. Open NebulaStream in Clion

File -> Open -> Select NebulaStream directory

3. Configure Cmake Settings

File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake

Note: As Generator Unix/Makefiles or Ninja can be used.

Cmake Options

Check CMake build options for a detailed list of parameters that can be provided.


4. Build Project

Build -> Build Project

5. Optional: Docker Toolchain

Use the official JetBrains guide to setup a Docker based toolchain using the NebulaStream Docker image:

a) Pull NebulaStream Dev Image
docker pull nebulastream/nes-dev-image:latest
b) Create Docker-based Toolchain in CLion
File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Toolchains

Toolchains Docker

c) Set Docker-based Toolchain in Cmake Settings
File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake

Cmake Configurations Docker